Friday, May 27, 2005

The greatest mystery of all is how shoelaces come undone.

Well, my angelfire blog magically reappeared. Stranger things have happened I suppose but still...

The only thing missing is a comment that I never had the chance to read, signed one George W. Bush. Oh well, it would've been some garbled rubbish by one of his scriptwriters.

I still don't like angelfire that much anymore. I have my reasons but they seem pretty pointless so no sense in sharing them.

Good night.

1 comment:

Taliesyn said...

I have noticed a strange aroma when posting on angelfire lately. Some sort of putrescent festering stench of decay. I know it's nothing in the house and it only emanates from the computer when angelfire pages are loaded. Maybe it's the cyberspace answer to "Glorious Smell-O-Vision" which was developed by Mike Todd Jr (step-son of Elizabeth Taylor). In 1960 he created this concept for his film 'The Scent Of Mystery' by using plastic tubing attached to the seats in cinemas. Scents of perfume and pipe tobacco (two clues in the films plot) were released via a master control system. In competition at the same time was "AromaRama", which accompanied a documentary tour of China and used a cinemas air-conditioning system and its carrier.

Maybe angelfire uses a similar concept. "Festering Pile of Rabbit" I think it's called.