Monday, August 15, 2005

Fairy Bread and Gin: The perfect salve for the down-trodden Russian czarist aristocracy

Well, once again, I have been offline for a little while. For the curious, this is due to the fact that a certain computer refuses to let me gain access to the net. This is for no other reason than complete arrogance on its part. I do not understand the need for electrical equipment to have it's own personalities. The mind boggles. Anyhow, for any of you that read this message, this is why I haven't been around online lately. The problem will be remedied soon I hope.

In the meantime however, I will be deeply considering the powerful attraction of Antarctic summers. Who knows, I may summer there this year. If not, I'll just stay where I am. Either was, I will be somewhere and that, after all, is the most important thing. If I'm not somewhere then i am nowhere and that can't be good. :)


Taliesyn said...

Well, here we have what I dub 'Blog-to-blog marketing'. Hee hee hee. Well, why not? It's cheap, effortless and probably just as successful as any other marketing ploy. Now, I could delete the comment, but that wouldn't be true to the nature of my blog. That is, letting anyone make a comment regardless of how relevant or otherwise it may be. Energy & Asset Technology certainly have an accurate anagram with EGTY. You can see it, can't you? (E)ner(G)y and asse(T)t technolog(Y). I mean, that's much better than say, (B)ritish (B)roadcasting (C)orporation! How the hell do they get BBC from that? It's the same with (I)rish (R)epublican (A)rmy. I don't know much about their investment advice but they are at the cutting edge of anagrams. I am so grateful that they decided to grace me, ME, and my humble little blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Taliesyn,u a smart and clever person,and agreat writer!!!
Im so happy that i can meet and talk to 2 persons like u and Greylore!!!!!!
Thanks for good konversation in "Infinite"
Greetings from the other part of the world NOVARA