Monday, February 12, 2007

All the worlds a stage and the director is taking a break.

Life is fun. Life is pain. Life is challenges. Life is that thing you remember doing through a haze of insomnia and/or alcohol. Life is the only chance we have to live. Most of all...

Life is love.

I may be playing on a recurring theme here but the thing is... it is a theme that I have a reason to play on.

Have you ever met someone completely devoid of love? It's often the case that they can't give love themselves and so are not loved in return. To me, the two sides should cancel each other out. Seems to make sense. I know that at times, logic may not be my forte, I tend to travel outside the square in some sort of elliptical orbit but somewhere, somehow... I make sense. Now that's logic!

Even George W. Bush makes sense to someone out there. Sad but true. The idiot bastard son of his idiot bastard father. I have nightmares about Bush family conversations and then Jeb gets thrown into the mix too and causes me to wake up gasping for air and wanting a cigarette and something to take the pain away.

Anyway, I digress...

Life without love is not life. By 'love' I am not necessarily talking about that of a couple per se. Love comes in many guises. The love for and of a child. The love of a pet and the trust and companionship it gives in return. I believe that love is within the reach of all. I believe that essentially all are capable of loving and being loved in return by man, woman or animal. Oooo, that doesn't sound right. Oh well, you know what I mean.

Hmmmm, my head hurts. Lack of sleep I suppose.

Anyway, here is my final thought for the day:


Check 'em out... or I shall force their music upon you all!!!

And... ask yourselves...

"So, what's the craziest thing you've done lately?"

Until next time, when all the small rodents of the world rise as one to make their stand for world domination. Something like Watership Down and 1984 meets War of the Worlds.

Sleep well, breathe easy and rest assured that somewhere out there, someone truly loves you. Also, dream of crazy angels ;)

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