It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how good things get, there are those people in the world that will only ever notice the bad. Finding good in things everyday can sometimes be difficult, granted, but what the hell is with making a point of finding bad points to each and every day. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Sure, I may be pointing out the negative here but really... it's only being pointed out as an example to establish the fact that there has to be at least some good in the average day of the average person.
"There is good in him master, I can sense it". Apply this to every day that we are alive and it can't be all bad. Yes, I know that statement turned out to be mostly false, in the movie, again, it's just an example and why do I feel the need to defend each statement I'm making here. It's because somewhere, out there, will be a person who doesn't believe that there is any good in the world, in their life... etc.
I've known people with terminal illnesses, given a matter of months to live. One woman I can remember in particular went on to live 15 years after the 6 months her doctors had given her. How? I can only say that my memory of her is a happy person who, while inclined to become saddened, generally made a point of enjoying each day she was alive. Her family, her friends, her work... she took the good with the bad. Life is full of trials, tribulations and challenges. We can either rise to face them or get crushed by the fact that we've let them overwhelm us and thus, control us.
I could walk out the front door tomorrow morning and be hit by a bus... I'm still walking out that door at 10am though. Food poisoning doesn't stop me from eating out. Rain and thunder don't keep me in. I may decide one day that due to the fact that there are a million terrorists out there with my face on a deck of cards and that I should not go anywhere... or, I could use that grey matter in my head and think the whole idea ludicrous. In fact, if my face was on a deck of cards held by 'terrorists' I'd go out more on the off chance I might meet one and obtain said deck to place on my coffee table... wouldn't it make great after-dinner conversation?
"Well there Mel, I hope you enjoyed the dinner and the wine. Oh, by the way... check this out. Some terrorists have put my face on a deck of cards. I'm a little irritated that I'm only the three of clubs but, nice that they considered me at least" :)
There are many phobias and irrational fears that can inflict people... I've probably got a couple that haven't surfaced or are rarely noticeable. Who knows? Most of them can be passed with the power of ligical thought. I must admit that I'm not too keen of spiders but, if I see one it's not as though a hydra has eaten through my roof with the intent to ingest my body. Ok, there you go, I have a phobia of Greek myths. Hehe.
If you're best friend, girlfriend, favourite uncle was involved in an accident on the night of a very severe thunder storm, would you still call the hospital knowing full well that you could be the unlucky one in a million whose house is struck? I know that I'd still make that call.
I could be worried that a comet is going to collide with the Earth and make one hell of a mess but, I know there's nothing I could do about it anyway so... why worry?
I smoke, I could die from cancer some day... it's something I can control at least but I'm not quitting until I'm good and ready.
There's an Eagles song that I know I've quoted before whether it be here or another blog and it goes thus:
"I'd like to find your inner child
And kick it's little arse
Get over it"
LOL! Love that song.
If the universe had a complaints department it would be swamped every day by a billion messages. Oh, wait... for many, that's what praying achieves. If you listen carefully in church or to friends as prayers are recited, most of them fall in to two categories: Requests and Complaints.
"Lord, please make this day better than the last one"
"Why me Lord?"
"What are this weeks lucky numbers and why were you wrong about last weeks?"
"I want a pony... Mummy and Daddy keep saying no"
"Are all the best one's married, it sure seems that way. Help me Lord!"
I could go on for a while but you get my drift.
I may be a cynic at times... apathetic at other times but I always try to be down to earth, reasonable and rational. Realistic is a good word too. I'm not all this, all the time. I don't know anyone who is. We all have bouts of irrationality and unreasonableness. I'm not saying that it's even possible to not let things get us down from time to time... even on a daily basis. All I am saying is that when it comes down to the line, it's a personal choice. Do you want to spend your life watching you back to be sure you're not being stalked? Do you always avoid stepping on the cracks so as not to "break your mothers back"... or however that inane rhyme goes. There's a fine line between being cautious and being over-cautious. Sally Ryde may have died tragically in the Challenger disaster but, knowing the dangers and risks, she went ahead because it was something that I'm sure she had dreamed about for a long time beforehand. Neil Armstrong might have opted out of the Apollo mission and we may have heard Buzz Aldrins voice saying those immortal words but, he didn't. We don't get anywhere in life by sitting on the sidelines watching the world pass us by as we worry about what it is we can actually do without being petrified of being hurt.
Life is for living... LIVE IT!
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