Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Sit back, watch it burn...

It's an interesting little world we live on...


Perhaps it's known by other names. Perhaps somewhere, in the constellation Vela (36 light years from my house) on a planet we call HD85512b, they might know "Earth" by a different name and most likely would know their own planet by something other than "HD85512b".

Perhaps they also live in a world that is held hostage by seemingly incurable greed and corruption. There is no reason to believe that HD85512b is inhabited and although it's position relative to the nearest star places it in a habitable zone (i.e. a position similar to our own Earth which would allow liquid water to exist on it's surface). By the same token there is also no reason to believe that it does support life of any kind. If, however, life exists there we cannot be sure as to the level of advancement.

I think that what I am trying to get at is that I am a little disgusted with the goings on that happen on this planet and it has more to do with government. Throughout history I don't believe that there has ever been such a thing as 'good government'. Sure there have been benevelent kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers and pharoahs who have looked out for the interests of their people but that's not good enough...often those rulers 'protected' their people by invading neighbouring nations. Defence is one thing, outright invasion of another population just doesn't cut it. It all comes down to greed...Gold, land, oil...the list goes on. Rome, Egypt, Macedonia would invade nations in order to conscript its citizens so they could further invade other nations. An endless cycle...

There is much talk about December 2012 and the Mayan calender and other prophecies and occurences and all the et ceteras... All going well the world as we know it will not end in some kind of apocolyptic nightmare. However, if as some believe there may be a change in the conscionsness and awareness of the Earths population that could only be a good thing. I cannot say for one minute that I am all for a one world government as I believe it would be impossible. It would be nice though, even for a century or two, to have a time of peace the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Then again, as a general rule.........people suck!

Not the majority, it's a 'bad apple' kind of scenario. I'm sure I could look outside right now and pick out at least one person who is so self-obsessed, selfish or intolerant...yeah, that delivery guy looks the type... Still, I may be wrong, perhaps one of those across the road at the cafe, taunting me with their glassy-eyes stares and aromatic coffees. Nah, I'm not easily taunted.

Just when I think I've seen or heard it all I read stories about sicko's stoning kittens to death on a worksite and cops shooting an 8th grader (yes, he had a gun and perhaps lives were saved but.....). If there is one thing that I simply cannot tolerate, it is intolerance. I know, right, the irony!

Not too sure where this post was intended to go, or not to go... but I'm sure it's somewhere around the corner from where it should be and might possibly be home a little late. No big deal.

Every now and then I wonder just where it was that the human race went so off track and then I sit back, close my eyes and watch thousands of years of history burn away in front of me. I open my eyes and realise that we were never on track. I don't give a damn if people want to blame Adam and Eve or Sonny and Cher, make no difference to me as it's of no consequence really, totally irrelevant. It just boils down to human nature and that's all there is to it. Unless something drastically changes to the entire collective psyche, something positive, something profound and something that...except that I don't really care anymore...

I'll just sit back and watch it all burn...

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