This is a blog entry!
Many such entries will appear like this.
It is quite common for a blog entry such as this to contain words of varying length and relevance.
Do not be fooled by what you may read on weblogs. Sometimes they are filled with truth and knowledge. Beware!!!
Some people write blogs without a care as to developing a readership base.
Some write blogs because they can't read.
Some read blogs because they can't write.
Most do both!!!
Blogging is fun.
I am a blogger. It's been 12 minutes since I last read a blog entry. I feel sober but suffer withdrawls.
Do not take any of this entry seriously. There is always a time and a place for that and it is certainly not here or now.
Do you ever feel that you should be in bed? I have that feeling now.
Money is the root of all evil. This statement is of course untrue. Moral codes are the root of all evil. Without them, we could not even comprehend what evil would be like.
When reading blogs, remember to scroll down the page, or you might miss something of vital importance.
Also, try to leave comments whenever you can. Even the information superhighway can feel like a lonely alley when no one talks back to you.
If you have a blog, make sure you use words such as these ones to make your point. They are a useful part of all language and communication- even English!
Also, if you ever find yourself making an entry such as this, ask yourself these questions that I am currently asking myself:-
1) What am I doing?
2) Why do my eyes keep closing involuntarily?
3) Why am I not in bed?
4) Will I delete this post when I re-read it in three days time?
5) ????????????????
Guten Nacht!
Three Jews walked into a bar...
No. That's not how it goes.
A horse walked into a bar.
Nope. I'm sure there is one that's hilarious.
You know, the one that ends with us laughing about the thing? With the guy doing something funny?
Or was that, with the guy saying something funny?
Oh never mind. You know what I meant anyway.
Yes Anonymous, I know what you mean. It's one of the funniest things I've ever heard, yet I have no recollection of it either. Funny how the mind works. Even funnier how the mind doesn't work. will Kitna, you will. "Nudge, nudge".
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