Saturday, July 27, 2019

No title. It would be misleading anyway

Sitting on a train, headed for my destination.

Nothing feels real lately. It's as though I am just floating around while the world keeps spinning. I don't really go anywhere, I don't see anyone or talk to anyone (work not included, obviously) as if I've made myself more invisible than I already was. It's an existence based on non-contact and keeping a low profile but the interesting thing is that I haven't even being trying to make it that way.

Nothing feels real anymore. I'm just a she'll these days, hollow and empty inside...

Friday, February 08, 2019

Sporadic Somnambulism, or How I Learned to Detest the Living and Embrace the Dead

The last time I was here it was mid-November. Spring was nearing its end and the relentless heat of summer was only a mildly irritating anticipation at best, a cautionary trepidation at worst

I recall glancing over previous posts awkwardly acknowledging the prolific year of 2005 whilst indignantly scoffing at the 13 years that followed, like a stream of consciousness that had circled the drain and vanished into the great unknown.

"Unknown". Isn't that a peculiar word? To me it represents great mysteries that will never be fully understood: The Great Unknown. Yet in it's most grounded usage it seems somewhat trite and irrelevant.
Take for example, "it was unknown to [person or character]", which implies that the subject has (or had) no knowledge of whatever stimulus or account is mentioned within the confines of that statement. However, this "unknown" is most certainly known, to some extent, to whomever is providing the narrative so therefore this "unknown" may be commonly known by everyone thus making it common knowledge and not of any special importance.

"I know that I know nothing".
I am a firm believer in this Socratic line of thought. Only by knowing that one knows nothing is it possible to know more. To always seek out and absorb new information. Those who believe they know it all are faced with the prospect of never being able to comprehend "the unknown", even the existence of it becomes foreign to them as they are quite unable to suspend disbelief in order to consider the possibility of something outside what they perceive to be their knowledge base. Critical thought, reasoning and logic are incredibly powerful tools, but not as the entire contents of a mental toolbox.

If everything could be reduced to a syllogistic argument then reasoning and logic might be all that we need. The logical fallacy lies in the fact that we are not creatures of absolutes. There is no black and white, there is no line in the sand. There are a multitude of shades between black and white and millions of lines in the sand forming a synaptic disarray or order in a disorganized world.

Ordo ab chao

"Through me all things are possible"...I don't recall if that referred to god, or jesus, or Manson, but it is a quote and assumes that the "unknown" is relegated to an unreachable, obfuscated level. It is simplified to the point where it is safely locked away from critical thought processes. While many claim to have knowledge of its secrets it becomes less meaningful once it has proliferated to an accepted truth, or possibility...but those who see the world in black and white have a limited ability to conceptualize what may be possible.

Well, that was fun. Gotta run.

Believe in the unbelievable!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
I wake up, I go to work, I "sleep", I wake up, I go to infinitum...nauseum, even.
It's the same for most of us, I get that.

It isn't like I don't enjoy my work, I do. It's not as though my life outside work is completely dull and lifeless. It is, however, that the endless cycle keeps on spinning within a motionless void and that, right there, is my life.

At some point, something broke, and I can't even place a finger on what it was but essentially I found myself feeling completely dead inside most of the time.

I can break things down into tiny little strings of events, from break ups to redundancy to the death of my father. I could take these events and twist them with other more minor occurences to make an entire narrative of my slow, inevitable decay, but it isn't quite as simple as all that. It's not even as simple as labelling it all under the banners of depression, stress and anxiety, while they are certainly factors they are also not entirely causative, in my opinion.

To be clear, I am only speaking of myself from my own point of view and completely accept that we all see, feel and express all of this in many and varied ways.

We are the sum of our experiences and I'd be a fool to think that my experiences were better, or worse, than most. Much of my school life was spent as a straight-As, top-of-the-class type that was always up for a good time. This soon gave way in the later yearsof high school as I lost the ability to care about results. I could do the work and aside from some higher maths concepts, nothing was particularly difficult for me. Was I bored with it all? Probably.  Had I become increasingly hostile towards a system that seemed to only favour those who fell in line with the status quo and what was expected of them? Most definitely  (defiantly).

Despite that, I'd moved on and wasn't doing too badly. I can't say that I was anywhere near where those naiive teen years led me to believe I would be, but I was mostly content with my world.

Now, I find myself in a place that I had always tried to avoid. A place where nothing really feels right and most things I do seem wrong. The motionless void inside which I simply carry on through the motions, keeping the treadmill moving and bashing on those meaningless cymbals, day after day after day.

This place is where good days are extremely rare and things that once made me happy and kept me interested are no longer able to do so. I might pick up a guitar or sit down at my piano once or twice a month whereas it was an almost daily occurence. I may buy new camera gear but I am rarely interested enough to take it out and use it. Movies and music are just time killers and as for reading, I can't remember the last time I finished a book, but it was probably Good Omens.

Every night I will go to sleep dreading the fact that I will soon be awake again for the cycle to continue. Thoughts race through my mind of how it would be so much better if I didn't wake up at all and that is often the last thing to go through my mind as I drift off to sleep.

I can, however, say that in some respects things have gotten somewhat better this year. For one, it appears that the suicide watch that I was under for a couple years has been lifted. The knife I used in my last attempt was returned to me recently and instead of placing it back in the cabinet it was once displayed in, I took it upon myself to place it in a drawer, out of sight. I know it is there but am unable to see it, or even get to it quickly if I so wished. I still think about it, making it all come to an abrupt end, but I seem to have that under control, for now.
So there is that, I suppose...

For some time I was required to regularly speak with a counsellor over the phone. She would check in with me once a week until we reached a point where she could reasonably ascertain that I was no longer a danger to myself. I convinced her of that after several months, although I would always downplay my feelings when we spoke as it's what I do. I am not one that enjoys talking about myself, if it's avoidable. I've always been The Listener, not the talker.

So, I don't have any good reason for having written this post except perhaps for the sake of writing something, anything, for the first time in years.
But it's just a blog post and is, essentially, as useless as I am...

I am so lost.

For now, I just keep on keeping on, I suppose, against my better judgement and the fact that I just want it all to be over...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Does anyone read this shit fucking blog anymore???


If you're out there, let me know.

Leave some god damned spam in the comments.

I don't care.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blogger, old friend...
Probably the last friend.
Just remember you were there through some of the hardest times of the last...10 or so years.
I bread through some early posts the other day and came to some interesting conclusions.

1) I'm really not worth knowing
2) I'm a pretty shit person, really
3) I'm the reason people leave
4) I'm the reason I'm the way I am
5) I understand self-hatred pretty well and I thought it reached a peak when I was in high school, and again in 2005
6) I understand why people want nothing to do with me. I don't either.
7) I'm as much of a shit father as I was a shit son.
8) I have a tendency to hide my feelings too well and when I do let them out people get upset and I fuck things up yet again.
9) I wouldn't be better off dead, but anyone close to me would be.
10) I always put other people first because my feelings are unimportant.
11) it's a good thing I own no firearms.
12) it's potentially a bad thing that I own more knives than most commercial kitchens.
13) I do wish I was a better person.
14) I hope my daughter never ends up like me. I want her to have the best that life can offer.
15) I should stop kidding myself that I am good at anything. I really kind of suck at music and writing and all the things I wish I could do half as well as the tree I'm sitting next to.
16) people seem to think this kind of thing is just me feeling sorry for myself but I really don't feel sorry for myself. I own my fuck ups and my pathetic existence.
17) I can't remember if anyone follows this blog...probably not...I hope not.
18) depression has plagued me my whole life, something that I have really only ever admitted to one person.
19) I've always been able to identify with Robin Williams. Trying to make others laugh despite the inner turmoil within.
20) besides parents there is only one person that I truly believe has ever loved me absolutely. I currently live

Monday, May 19, 2014

One thing I like about myself???
I'll get back to you on that...

Monday, February 24, 2014


So much crap on my mind right now...
Worrying about things I can't change.
Wishing I could change things that are beyond impossible to change.
Wanting to make up for the mess I've made of other things.
Things, things, things...
I'm being vague.
I do vague really well.
No one really wants to hear full explanations.
The ones that do, are rare.
Vague also incapacitates any need to offer up complete explanations. It's a mechanism. Not a control mechanism and not a defence mechanism. Just a way to keep on keeping on.
For most of my life others have always thought that I really had it together.
They may have been right, mostly, but illusion is greater than the reality lately.
In many ways the last year has been the best, hardest, happiest, healthiest and most self-destructive period of my life.
I don't think anyone has really noticed but, I'm not out to make anyone notice. No one will really see this, let alone take the time to read it which is why it's here at all.
I don't have any real regrets. That being said there are things I would change, given the chance.
There is only one thing I would change right now, this minute, today...and that is the way my thoughts have taken a dive into the realm of negativity. Negativity generally serves no purpose, it has no point. It's the self perpetuating mindset of the defeatist. It's also a demon, of sorts, that possesses the mind and does not let go for fear of its own being coming into non existence. This is where it breathes, lives, conquers and dies with its host.

Well, not this duck! I may be down but I sure as hell am not out!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Crawling under a rock for the day.
Will be back sometime soon...

Sunday, February 09, 2014


Hey Blogger, old friend, old pal.


All I have.

Ever feel completely empty and spent? Kinda like a Smashing Pumpkins song but with less melody...
Anyway, need to be up in four hours so I'm putting myself down, figuratively speaking.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Optional title inserted here...

Seeing as this is bound for Blogger et al, I was going to say something profound but...
I haven't got it in me today so it's
all up to you

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Facebook is 10... isn't that exciting?

So, Facebook is 10...

I remember when people first talking about it, I was far too busy enjoying my time on MySpace.
I still use MySpace. New format, new look and feel...
Most the same old friends, apart from one who has now joined me there.
It's still a great platform especially because of the focus on music and because music is such a huge part of my life, MySpace still has a place for me...

Anyway, this is about Facebook.......


Yeah, that's about it. Have a video!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

The battle rages on...

Just throwing it out there...

Does anyone get the feeling that they're on the borderline of a complete mental breakdown?

I'm going to go ahead and answer that with a "yes".

I know that I am certainly not the only one.
I also know that many have much worse circumstances than I do.

Excuse me one moment.......


Just had to tell a couple Mormon "missionaries" to have some funking respect...

Now, where was I?

My problems are my own and I never intend to inflict them on others in any way. There are those that I can talk to and a few that have the ability to distract me and put a smile on my face. I rarely espouse deep feelings on Facebook or Twitter, occasionally on Tumblr as I don't see the need to throw my feelings to the wolves.

This blog has been an outlet on and off for many years and I use it because I don't think anyone reads it and that's fine with me.

I've always handled stress really well, depression not so much. I am not saying that I suffer from depression as most of the time I can drag myself up and try to keep positive. There was a time when I took Zoloft...never again. I went from depressed to, let's say, closet suicidal, until I completely stopped taking it against doctors orders. If I had listened to the doctor, chances are I would not be here today. This fact has never been told before, to the best of my memory, to anyone. I can keep secrets better than most but figure it can't hurt to let this one slide.

Getting back to now though, I have no such desire of self harm (another secret there that I will probably take to the grave) or suicide. I have far too much good in my life to let the negative hold sway, and win the war. This battle is on going but the last few months have been one of, if not the, hardest periods of my life.

Not going into details, as I said before, but when I am scrolling through this blog in a few years time I hope to be able to acknowledge that I have won the battle against myself, the hardest of all battles.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wisdom: it ain't what it used to be...

Laugh like no one is dancing...
Watch like no one is listening...
Make haste, away, away, over yonder river...
Never look back, never surrender...
Until it's time for the cows to come home!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I've always been reasonably chilled out. So much so that my veins occasionally freeze over...
Therein lies the paradox, and I love a good paradox. If my veins freeze as a result of being so chill then my heart would also be affected which would indicate that I am a cold-hearted person and nothing could be further from the truth.
I can be a hard person, but not cold, yet I am completely chill...
There is no logic in the millions of little sayings, anecdotes and witticisms of the English language, which is fine with me as unrestrained logic can become very tedious, very rapidly.
Take the little quips and one-liners and make them something special and always remember to never kick a gift horse in the face, especially while it's gathering moss...

Running Bear is Polar!

So, Polar Bear.... let's see what you can do!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


This might be the day....
The day that I finally snap...
Not that I will, I'm just too calm...

Thursday, November 07, 2013

The ups and downs of...meh...

I can't say I've really had much reason to get up at all most mornings in the last month.

There are days that I would rather just fade away, turn to dust and end up blowing in the wind.
Isn't that where the goddamned answers are?

Answers to what?

This month has been the hardest in the last 20-odd years...

I know the why, where and how. No one else really needs to, although some do.

I was once the most positive person on the planet... well, after a million or so others that also claim that eminent title.

I'm still much more positive than some. Have to give myself at least a little credit there but fuck, sometimes when the world comes crashing down and you realize things that you thought were dealt with are in fact completely mind-fucking you... it gets to a point where you have to reflect.

Reflection, however, only opens up a mirror so what happens when you look in the dislike what you see?
Further down the freaking spiral!

Spirals are the worst form of descent! A deep chasm is just that, DEEP, it has rugged sides and usually the only way down is straight down. It's harsh, but it's quick.
Spirals on the other hand tend to be slow and steady and if you're on the way down then they are so much more painful than a freefall drop.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall.... SHUT UP!!!

Things are so much more difficult at the moment. Concentrating is one of tasks that becomes somewhat hard when the voices in your head are waaaaaay too busy doing their own thing!

Well, I'm out!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Sit back, watch it burn...

It's an interesting little world we live on...


Perhaps it's known by other names. Perhaps somewhere, in the constellation Vela (36 light years from my house) on a planet we call HD85512b, they might know "Earth" by a different name and most likely would know their own planet by something other than "HD85512b".

Perhaps they also live in a world that is held hostage by seemingly incurable greed and corruption. There is no reason to believe that HD85512b is inhabited and although it's position relative to the nearest star places it in a habitable zone (i.e. a position similar to our own Earth which would allow liquid water to exist on it's surface). By the same token there is also no reason to believe that it does support life of any kind. If, however, life exists there we cannot be sure as to the level of advancement.

I think that what I am trying to get at is that I am a little disgusted with the goings on that happen on this planet and it has more to do with government. Throughout history I don't believe that there has ever been such a thing as 'good government'. Sure there have been benevelent kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers and pharoahs who have looked out for the interests of their people but that's not good enough...often those rulers 'protected' their people by invading neighbouring nations. Defence is one thing, outright invasion of another population just doesn't cut it. It all comes down to greed...Gold, land, oil...the list goes on. Rome, Egypt, Macedonia would invade nations in order to conscript its citizens so they could further invade other nations. An endless cycle...

There is much talk about December 2012 and the Mayan calender and other prophecies and occurences and all the et ceteras... All going well the world as we know it will not end in some kind of apocolyptic nightmare. However, if as some believe there may be a change in the conscionsness and awareness of the Earths population that could only be a good thing. I cannot say for one minute that I am all for a one world government as I believe it would be impossible. It would be nice though, even for a century or two, to have a time of peace the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Then again, as a general rule.........people suck!

Not the majority, it's a 'bad apple' kind of scenario. I'm sure I could look outside right now and pick out at least one person who is so self-obsessed, selfish or intolerant...yeah, that delivery guy looks the type... Still, I may be wrong, perhaps one of those across the road at the cafe, taunting me with their glassy-eyes stares and aromatic coffees. Nah, I'm not easily taunted.

Just when I think I've seen or heard it all I read stories about sicko's stoning kittens to death on a worksite and cops shooting an 8th grader (yes, he had a gun and perhaps lives were saved but.....). If there is one thing that I simply cannot tolerate, it is intolerance. I know, right, the irony!

Not too sure where this post was intended to go, or not to go... but I'm sure it's somewhere around the corner from where it should be and might possibly be home a little late. No big deal.

Every now and then I wonder just where it was that the human race went so off track and then I sit back, close my eyes and watch thousands of years of history burn away in front of me. I open my eyes and realise that we were never on track. I don't give a damn if people want to blame Adam and Eve or Sonny and Cher, make no difference to me as it's of no consequence really, totally irrelevant. It just boils down to human nature and that's all there is to it. Unless something drastically changes to the entire collective psyche, something positive, something profound and something that...except that I don't really care anymore...

I'll just sit back and watch it all burn...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

People are strange... part 2

It's quite rare that I will post a 'sequel' to a previous post but I figured that this time I would...

I never got to meet up with the drunken jazz man (ooo, there's a label) as things came up and I couldn't get to the park at the time organized so I may never know if he even remembered. I was very disappointed as I was looking forward to having a good long chat with him. It's amazing how much information you can receive while talking to random people. During the week after I met him I searched for his name on just about every site I could think of that would mention Australian jazz players, hoping that he'd once played with John Sangster or Mike Nock at some point... but the search turned up nothing. Of course, that still gives me no reason to doubt he ever played jazz at a professional level or that he studied and taught at an Australian jazz school. He may not even go by the same name either. Still, I thought I'd check it out at least. I'm sure I'll catch up with him one day though.

As for our neighbour... the one who goes to the clothes line in a towel, loses the towel and carries on as if nothing happened... the one who comes over most days for coffee and cigarettes (she usually brings her own)...

Well, a week or so after writing the first part of this post she was having an argument with her husband, a fairly common occurrence and from what I can tell, mostly a one-sided affair as I think she does most of the arguing and he just sits there on the couch trying desperately to watch television or listen to music... Anyway, she came over that day complaining about her husband when my friend interjected to inquire about their cat. She did not appreciate this and headed home where the argument intensified. After some time she came out of her back door and began to yell at my friend. Vague insults at first which then turned into threats... end a long story the police became involved and she's only been over a few times since, each time to profusely apologise. I'm still a little angry at her actions but also understand that she doesn't have much control at times and it's simply a matter of recognising those times and being out of her way. She called out from her house the other day saying that she was doing much better and that the doctors had given her some new medication to, quote, "help with my psychoticness", unquote. I've banned her from coming over to our house while Tracy or Akayna are here but have told her that I'm happy to speak to her otherwise and perhaps one day the whole thing will blow over.

After all, even the most interesting and strange people have a side that may not be completely desirable. That's not to say that they aren't worth knowing though. Life's too short to bitch and moan about people and to write people off all the time. I've only ever 'defriended' one person from Facebook and I'd known him for quite some time and took a while to make the decision to write off his friendship but my little girl helped me make that decision eventually.

For now though, I think that's all...

Saturday, April 03, 2010

People are strange...

Before anyone accuses me of lifting the title of this post from a Doors song of the same name let me first say that your accusations are completely correct and I applaud your astute observation skills.

People are indeed strange.

I am strange, of this I am sure, for I have been told this by many people over many years and the law of averages leads me to agree with them... ALL OF THEM!!! Muahahahaha!

Strangeness is a relative term however.

I have a neighbour who likes to hang out her washing wearing nothing more than a towel... tied around her waist! (I'll leave you to draw conclusions). Could she be considered strange? Perhaps...

Ok, yeah, she is a bit. She drinks my coffee, smokes my cigarettes and talks my ear off whenever she visits, which is just about everyday.

A few weeks ago I was sitting in a park not far from my home. I wasn't doing much more than checking emails and facebook and reading a bit of news on my phone just to kill some time. I was approached by a haggard old man reeking of alcohol staggered towards me and asked if he could sit on the seat opposite me. We got to talking and several times he asked if I was comfortable to talk with him or if I would prefer him to just move along. He was drunk and quite talkative and the more I talked to him the more I wanted to talk to him, despite his repeated offers to 'move along'.
He claimed to be 60-ish and appeared quite fit for his age. He spoke of studying his music degree at the conservatorium where he mastered in Jazz Studies. We talked for over an hour about music, politics, religion and science. Despite his inebriated state he spoke quite calmly and was impressed that I could drop names like Benny Goodman, Oscar Peterson, Charlie Christian and Zachariah Sitchin. He smiled when I used Kenny Rogers' "Coward Of The County" as an example of the point I was trying to make and then was blown away when I sang the first half of the song.
Eventually it came time for me to head home but before that we made a time to meet one fortnight later at about the same time. All going well he'll remember (even though he claimed his drunkeness might prevent that).
Was he strange? Yeah, of course. Would people think I'm strange for talking to him and then wanting to talk again at another date?.... most likely.

People ARE strange...

All of us...

We all have our faults, we all have our strengths. Being 'strange' is neither a fault nor a strength.
Strangeness is what makes everything worthwhile. I'd hate to sit down and talk with someone that I thought was 'normal' in every sense of the word because that person to me would seem more like a mindless automaton just existing and not really making any sort of impression on those around them.

I might see someone walking down the street and for whatever reason I may think that they're strange. It's not a derogatory term to me at all. It expresses differences. In fact, "different" could be interchangeable with "strange" under most circumstances anyway.

Throughout my life I've seen so many people getting so incredible upset and stressed that they don't "fit in" or "belong" somewhere. Well, there is a solution to this attitude.

Recognize that you're different.
Accept that other people are different.
Realize that to many you may be a little strange.
Try to look at the things that you find strange about others. You may find that the strange things are those that become most interesting to you.
Embrace the strangeness. Be at one with the strangeness.

You don't need to be able to curl your tongue. You don't need to walk backwards when crossing the street. You don't need to dress as a cat and go to 'furry' conventions. You don't need to build your dream home out of a messy conglomeration of beer bottles, ice cream containers and Lego. You don't need to wear platform shoes, pantaloons and a pirate hat... and while there's nothing wrong with any of the aforementioned things there is one thing that is most important of all...

You just need to be YOU!

You're strange, I'm strange, we're all strange.

Some of the most interesting people I have talked to in my life all have 'labels' attached to them;

'Intellectually disabled'
'Bums' or 'homeless'
'Geeks', 'nerds', etc... and the list goes on.

Labels mean nothing. ABSOLUTELY nothing. If you get the chance, as I often have, to talk to someone who is 'homeless' or 'schizophrenic' or a 'drunk' you'll find out one thing that will stay with you forever...

They're strange... and that's a good thing. Underneath it all is a person, similar to you and I. For whatever reason they are who they are and once the 'labels' are broken down and you're speaking to them as another 'strange' person you'll find out that there are many things to be learned from others.

I use labels, we all do. So I'm not trying to say that I don't. I am saying that the labels aren't important. They are like the box that contains cake mixture. The box is unimportant, all it does is provide is with a general overview of what you're going to get. Once the box is discarded you can get to work on putting together the important part... the cake. Similarly, you can meet someone as a label (eg; a 'drug addict', a 'lawyer', a 'nerd', a 'neurologist' or one of the 'elderly') and eventually you can get rid of the label and meet the real person inside the box (so-to-speak).

I'm going to finish this post sometime soon... I didn't end up writing what I was going to write but randomness can be fun right? :)

There's a light, over at the Frankenstein Place...

Sometimes I wake up and the first thing I see is the ceiling of my bedroom...
This perplexes me for some reason... The reason eludes me at the moment... One moment and I shall collect my thoughts... Thoughts like that I just cannot condone... hmmm...


Bet you weren't expecting that were you?
I was.
Or rather, I wasn't. It took me by complete surprise also.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

dot dot dot.... or it could have been written "..."

Wow, a random and most meaningless entry.

As the sun sets below the horizon and the hum of traffic outside my open window drones like a nagging mother-in-law, I turn on my computer and make a brief, random entry on my blogger blog.

Hmmm.... profound :)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Some spend their lives making a spectacle of themselves... some spend their lives making spectacles for others.

Well, it's been a year since I posted here and I must say I've missed the old Blogspot.

I have been making entries on my MySpace but I will still return here as well. It seems like the right and just thing to do.

Take care and have fun.

Monday, February 12, 2007

All the worlds a stage and the director is taking a break.

Life is fun. Life is pain. Life is challenges. Life is that thing you remember doing through a haze of insomnia and/or alcohol. Life is the only chance we have to live. Most of all...

Life is love.

I may be playing on a recurring theme here but the thing is... it is a theme that I have a reason to play on.

Have you ever met someone completely devoid of love? It's often the case that they can't give love themselves and so are not loved in return. To me, the two sides should cancel each other out. Seems to make sense. I know that at times, logic may not be my forte, I tend to travel outside the square in some sort of elliptical orbit but somewhere, somehow... I make sense. Now that's logic!

Even George W. Bush makes sense to someone out there. Sad but true. The idiot bastard son of his idiot bastard father. I have nightmares about Bush family conversations and then Jeb gets thrown into the mix too and causes me to wake up gasping for air and wanting a cigarette and something to take the pain away.

Anyway, I digress...

Life without love is not life. By 'love' I am not necessarily talking about that of a couple per se. Love comes in many guises. The love for and of a child. The love of a pet and the trust and companionship it gives in return. I believe that love is within the reach of all. I believe that essentially all are capable of loving and being loved in return by man, woman or animal. Oooo, that doesn't sound right. Oh well, you know what I mean.

Hmmmm, my head hurts. Lack of sleep I suppose.

Anyway, here is my final thought for the day:


Check 'em out... or I shall force their music upon you all!!!

And... ask yourselves...

"So, what's the craziest thing you've done lately?"

Until next time, when all the small rodents of the world rise as one to make their stand for world domination. Something like Watership Down and 1984 meets War of the Worlds.

Sleep well, breathe easy and rest assured that somewhere out there, someone truly loves you. Also, dream of crazy angels ;)

Mama, we're all crazy now.

It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how good things get, there are those people in the world that will only ever notice the bad. Finding good in things everyday can sometimes be difficult, granted, but what the hell is with making a point of finding bad points to each and every day. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Sure, I may be pointing out the negative here but really... it's only being pointed out as an example to establish the fact that there has to be at least some good in the average day of the average person.

"There is good in him master, I can sense it". Apply this to every day that we are alive and it can't be all bad. Yes, I know that statement turned out to be mostly false, in the movie, again, it's just an example and why do I feel the need to defend each statement I'm making here. It's because somewhere, out there, will be a person who doesn't believe that there is any good in the world, in their life... etc.

I've known people with terminal illnesses, given a matter of months to live. One woman I can remember in particular went on to live 15 years after the 6 months her doctors had given her. How? I can only say that my memory of her is a happy person who, while inclined to become saddened, generally made a point of enjoying each day she was alive. Her family, her friends, her work... she took the good with the bad. Life is full of trials, tribulations and challenges. We can either rise to face them or get crushed by the fact that we've let them overwhelm us and thus, control us.

I could walk out the front door tomorrow morning and be hit by a bus... I'm still walking out that door at 10am though. Food poisoning doesn't stop me from eating out. Rain and thunder don't keep me in. I may decide one day that due to the fact that there are a million terrorists out there with my face on a deck of cards and that I should not go anywhere... or, I could use that grey matter in my head and think the whole idea ludicrous. In fact, if my face was on a deck of cards held by 'terrorists' I'd go out more on the off chance I might meet one and obtain said deck to place on my coffee table... wouldn't it make great after-dinner conversation?

"Well there Mel, I hope you enjoyed the dinner and the wine. Oh, by the way... check this out. Some terrorists have put my face on a deck of cards. I'm a little irritated that I'm only the three of clubs but, nice that they considered me at least" :)

There are many phobias and irrational fears that can inflict people... I've probably got a couple that haven't surfaced or are rarely noticeable. Who knows? Most of them can be passed with the power of ligical thought. I must admit that I'm not too keen of spiders but, if I see one it's not as though a hydra has eaten through my roof with the intent to ingest my body. Ok, there you go, I have a phobia of Greek myths. Hehe.

If you're best friend, girlfriend, favourite uncle was involved in an accident on the night of a very severe thunder storm, would you still call the hospital knowing full well that you could be the unlucky one in a million whose house is struck? I know that I'd still make that call.

I could be worried that a comet is going to collide with the Earth and make one hell of a mess but, I know there's nothing I could do about it anyway so... why worry?

I smoke, I could die from cancer some day... it's something I can control at least but I'm not quitting until I'm good and ready.

There's an Eagles song that I know I've quoted before whether it be here or another blog and it goes thus:

"I'd like to find your inner child
And kick it's little arse
Get over it"

LOL! Love that song.

If the universe had a complaints department it would be swamped every day by a billion messages. Oh, wait... for many, that's what praying achieves. If you listen carefully in church or to friends as prayers are recited, most of them fall in to two categories: Requests and Complaints.

"Lord, please make this day better than the last one"
"Why me Lord?"
"What are this weeks lucky numbers and why were you wrong about last weeks?"
"I want a pony... Mummy and Daddy keep saying no"
"Are all the best one's married, it sure seems that way. Help me Lord!"

I could go on for a while but you get my drift.

I may be a cynic at times... apathetic at other times but I always try to be down to earth, reasonable and rational. Realistic is a good word too. I'm not all this, all the time. I don't know anyone who is. We all have bouts of irrationality and unreasonableness. I'm not saying that it's even possible to not let things get us down from time to time... even on a daily basis. All I am saying is that when it comes down to the line, it's a personal choice. Do you want to spend your life watching you back to be sure you're not being stalked? Do you always avoid stepping on the cracks so as not to "break your mothers back"... or however that inane rhyme goes. There's a fine line between being cautious and being over-cautious. Sally Ryde may have died tragically in the Challenger disaster but, knowing the dangers and risks, she went ahead because it was something that I'm sure she had dreamed about for a long time beforehand. Neil Armstrong might have opted out of the Apollo mission and we may have heard Buzz Aldrins voice saying those immortal words but, he didn't. We don't get anywhere in life by sitting on the sidelines watching the world pass us by as we worry about what it is we can actually do without being petrified of being hurt.

Life is for living... LIVE IT!

Monday, February 05, 2007

I carved your name into my arm so I would remember you...

Ok, here's a rather depressing point that I have to make....


What is with that?

Well, for my first entry of 2007 how about we start with the top 10 reasons why I shouldn't be dead right now:

10) Llamas are bigger than frogs. "Well, obviously" I hear you say. Although, have you ever seen a llama standing next to a frog? I haven't and if I ever did I would be convinced of the statement if, and only if, the llama was truly bigger than the frog. This is my life's work, please don't ridicule me.

09) The space monkeys that I felt sure would abduct me never appeared at all. Something of a let down I'll tell you.

08) I have to live in order to stop David Letterman from making the 'Top Ten' list a bad thing to do.

07) I keep dreaming the I am orbiting Uranus. Two metres and 53 centimetres at perihelion.

06) My lungs have a strange capacity for working and they are supported by the heart and liver.

05) I am a respected druid and am responsible for... oh, that's in a game.

04) I've discovered that apathy can prolong life and general well-being.

03) God's already lost one son.

02) The Oompa-Lumpa's keep me fed through a tube.

01) I have some good reason for living. That's for another day though.

Takc care of yourselves, and each other. Don't let life get you down... it doesn't last forever.

Friday, October 06, 2006

There's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet.

Yeah, alright... the title of this post is stolen from one of my favourite songs at the moment. Hey! It happens. Plagiarism is an evil thing... borrowing for the purpose of nothing other than a brief foray into the pit that is entertainment, it's more of a compliment than anything. Anyway, now that the introductory tripe is out of the way I can get down to the real topic that I wanted to write about.

That is to say, as per usual, I have nothing to say as I'm typing this sentence... perhaps by the time I finish something will come to me and I'll start writing about that. Not the most likely of eventualities I know but it has happened in the past...

"I'm the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand it cause you say so under your breath, you're reading lips, "When did he get all confident?".

Yeah, anyway... "That's me in the corner. That's me in the spotlight, losing my religion".

Know wha' I mean? ;)

I wrote a song with one of my girls last year and we recorded it in our garage but now, I am not sure where it is... it's not on the mp3 player and I'm hoping that I just backed it up onto a CD... somewhere. Well, the other day, walking along the street she was suddenly inspired and decided that we should write one called "If I Had A Parrot". Hmmm... I can go for that. I know she wants a dog one day and her mum and I have said that she can when she's 8, I guess that a parrot (along with the cat and guinea pig) will have to suffice until then. That, however, is not my point... it's amazing to come up with a song with her and we really should do it more often. Having the mind of a 5-year old in the song writing process is incredibly... refreshing to say the least hehe.

I'm not sure where we'll take the whole 'parrot' idea, the next time we sit down and work out a song the parrot will be long forgotten no doubt. Still, the idea is there and I think I'll run with it.

Right now however, I must depart... I shall go and make pointless statements to the world outside. There's people out there you know, walking around and driving cars and eating at cafes... ooo baby it's a wild world.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

We all float down here Georgie

A few months ago, I purchased a 6 hour documentary series all about coffee on DVD. As yet I have not watched it but, alas, that does not prevent me from worshipping at the altar of the greatest bean known to humankind. There is something rather spiritual about a really good coffee... it's all to do with the sense of awe that it invokes I believe. Either that or the insane caffeine high that will ensue upon conspumption of much coffee.

Hmmm... I didn't intend to write about coffee.

Drink up, I'll be back later, after I make another one.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

It's good to be in love, it's good to be loved

Hi, you can call me Taliesyn. I am 30, I have two beautiful little girls whom I love more than anything in the world. I am also in love with the most amazing woman I have ever known. Her smile brightens each and every day of my life. Listening to her talk is something that I love as though I was listening to the most beautiful music one can find. She talks a lot :) so, I guess I'm lucky. I call her Grey when speaking of her on my blog. Others know her by another name. She is my life, she is my world. Us and our children were the happiest people I knew. Do you ever watch people going down the street and just suddenly realise how lucky you are. I do. I used to. Things aren't the same anymore. Things have changed, and they really shouldn't have.
There is much I want to say to her, things that I can not apologise enough for, feelings that have not changed since the day we got togehter. Now, as you know, we are not together. The most heartbreaking pain that I have ever experienced. Actual, physical pain, not just emotional. I only ever wanted her to be happy. I thought I could do that for longer than I did. I hoped I could. I tried.
When I was having personal troubles of my own, I couldn't be there for her as I had been. It was also that there was not terribly much I could do but be there. I still do things for her of course because that is the nature of love. Love is the most powerful emotion we know. It can make people happier than they have ever been in their lives, or it can destroy their very soul. It can bring people together and it can drive them apart.
Soul-mates is too light a term to use when wpeaking about Grey and I. We are so much more. We connected on every level and while there may have been a period of being too much in each others pockets, it was starting to wane and settle down. We were very rarely apart, we just wanted to be around each other and those are days that I will remember always.
I believe that our love is so strong that it may even return on her part and all the things that should never have happened will be righted. I am trying. I do not want her to feel forced by anything I say or do because that would not be fair to her. Her happiness, as always, comes first. That's just the way I am and with her, it's my happiness that has always come first. Now, she needs to do things for herself, whatever that maybe, I will stand by her and give her all the support I can. If she finds someone else someday, I hope he can treat her even half as well as she said I did. I don't know about myself and frankly, it doesn't really matter. I know I wont find anyone who completes me so well, completely. That's just the way it is. I have complete faith and belief in her... whatever she needs and wants. That's not me just now but, I also have complete and utter belief in my convictions that there is hope for us, someday, somewhere.
She's only lost me. I've lost her and another daughter to the misery that break-ups create. There will be no more family for me. No one that I can walk to school, do homework with, read to, sing lullabies to or well, just be there when they come home from school. I'll always be available by phone or internet or whatever but, that's not the point. I know what love is and I have lost too much.
Believe it or not, I am actually quite happy while I write this. It's all to do with the hope that I have. It is unshakeable as I have said before. It is amazing. It will be with me for a long time to come, of that I am sure.
Well, that's enough for now. I apologise for all that I have caused, all that I have destroyed and all that I may not be able to repair. I apologise to the two little girls who have to wait to see me. They are the ones who have suffered because of my mistakes. They are the ones who will grow up to ask ME why? Well, all I can do is be honest and open with them. They will no the truth... all of it. They deserve that.

Bye for now :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

As I slowly die, my hope lives on.

Well, it's amazing what can happen in the space of a few days.

Grey gave me some news Thursday afternoon that I will not reveal, only to say that, I took it rather badly. Instead of being the supportive friend that I have been lately, I made a few comments that caused her to defend herself and the mood to deteriorate rather rapidly until such time that she could not stand to have me around. So, I went to bed and wrote this:

"The one I love is hurting
Feels unwanted by this world
It's fucked her over
Screwed her round
Shattered her dreams
Denied her the life she deserves

If I can treat someone whom I love more than any before, the was I treated her then, I deserve to have NO ONE!!!!!!

Turns out I was just another fucking arsehole. When she needed me most I completely lost it. The most wonderful person I know, who once said that about me, can now barely stand to have me near her so, effectively, I am fucking useless to her now too. I want to do everything I can to be there for her but I'm among the last people she needs around her. God damn, I am soooo in love with her!!!!!!
She deserves better. I was once."

Yeah, it started out as a lyric but ended up being rather free-form. I have hit a new low as far as my depression goes. I don't want to do anything at the moment. The only thing keeping me together are two happy little girls playing around me while I write this. They are the best. They love their Daddy and I love them right back :) Ooooh, they're hunting for monkeys now!?!?

The things I said to Grey the following morning were no better than the night before. I hadn't intended to be so cruel but, I put something the wrong way and she reacted and I reacted and we were both over-reacting in a very short space of time. This has to STOP!!! I can't go on treating her like this. It is not me and it is not right. She knows that it's not characteristic of me but still, it's me doing it isn't it? Yes, it is. I don't intend to say these nasty things or to get angry. All I really want is for her to be happy. Well, that's not all I want but, all I'm trying to acheive is that we can be happy as friends before it gets to the point that not even that's possible. What I want doesn't matter at the moment. Well, to me it never really does so, there's not much change there at least.

She did tell me that the three and a half years we had together are among the best years of her life. Actually, it meant so much to hear that they were placed with the best years of her childhood. I'm glad I was able to be there for those years and am thankful for every minute of them. The good and the bad.

I can't do this right now. I am so......... completely fucked up and screwed over. I just need to... just writing words now.... fucking depressed! I wish that I.............................................wjjjjjjjjjje eawaei ,

Thursday, December 15, 2005

While I have breath, there is still hope

On Tuesday night, Grey was telling a friend that we need to let those we care about know just how much we care. Life is too short and you never know what will happen before you get another chance to tell them. This is something that I believe as well and so, I decided that I would tell Grey just how I feel. It took me until Wednesday afternoon to even summon up the courage to do so :) . This is what I told her:

"I agree with what you were saying last night and.... there's something that I need to say......
You are the most wonderful person that I know and..... I love you for all that you are..... and always will".

Then, she said things, I said more things and although some of it was hard to hear, it left me with my hopes boosted and my convictions in tact. I was glad that she accepted what I said without being upset or angry about it, that was something, although I understand why she doesn't need to hear things like that. Still, it's nice to know when you're loved.

So, all is going nicely. I have absolutely no time scale for anything and I certainly do not want to push or force the issue as that would help nought. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to at least show her that I am the crazy, happy, loving, man she fell in love with. If she still does not see it then...... well, I don't know. The thing is, I'm so happy right now that I don't want to say too much because my vision may be a little clouded. We've had a great week, spending time together and talking and laughing and well, just being friends... it's been fantastic.

I still don't think she quite gets what she means to me and that I am always here for her. There is not much I wouldn't do for her. She once felt the same way. It wasn't all that long ago and that's why I am so confused about where she is right now. I know what we had and I know it's not that far from being so once again but, after my behaviour, may never be again... only time will tell. She knows that I am here, hoping.

I've been thinking about things that people have been saying to me over the past two months too. Most have been really supportive, understanding her viewpoint and mine. They have agreed with my stance saying that I am completely right in my convictions and that I should hang in there. Some have said that whatever happens it should be whatever is best for Bella; obviously. The minority have said things like "Get out now!", "she never deserved you anyway", "after all the crap she's put you through?". All this advice I have recieved has come from our closest friends, people that know us both very well. I have also mentioned what an arsehole I've been during this time. No one has judged me for it and they've all understood my reaction to such hurt and pain but, not being there, it's hard to explain it to everyone. I think it's inexcusable!. It's the most horrible feeling to have, that feeling that you have no control over what I am saying until I get to a point and I look at Grey and her eyes and realise that I have said terrible things that are simply not true. They say truth comes out in anger. I have never believed this as I know what I have said during these moments and if any of them were actually true, then I couldn't actually be with anyone like that. Horrible things that I have said and I hope that one day, in time, she may actually ne able to forgive me. I have forgiven her for everything that she has said and done in anger as it takes two to tango and it sets off a chain reaction of comments that we never really experienced while we were together. It all stems from the agony I have been in over the last two months. It's not about intentionally causing her pain or trying to make her feel bad to make it easier on me or whatever. I love her with all my heart and soul, why would I want to do that? It would be ludicrous. She does understand though as most of you know, she experiences uncontrollable emotions during her sick time. The times I've been there, holding her until she is calm are very similar to what happens now, except that it's me causing the pain. I try to calm her in the ways I used to but of course, it's not going to work the same. It would be like the lion attacking the gazelle and then trying to make sure it's ok. Still, I will not leave her when she is so upset. If she wants me out of the room then I will sit outside and talk to her but, I can't leave her in such pain. It's not from guilt for the mess I've made, it's because I love her. The guilt is always there, and will be there for many, many years to come. I would do anything to make it up to her.

I am in love, so don't forget it. It's not a silly phase I'm going through. Da da da da da daa"

10 points for anyone who can name the song I rewrote just there.

Happy little me, signing out. Take care my friends. I love you all.

I thought I'd end a happy entry with a happy picture.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I am the Music Man, I come from down your way........

God, I love music. Have I said that before? There is nothing better, well, maybe something ;) but music's good then too. Sure, a good book or movie is great and going to the theatre is something that I haven't done in far too long but, music....... it makes the world go around.
Does anyone have memories of the first song they can remember? (Could've phrased that better). I have two songs that I can remember hearing around 1978-79. One is Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" and the other is Jeff Beck's version of "Love Is Blue". The latter actually has imagery with it whenever I hear it. I was on my way to the Fairytale Castle (a tourist attraction on the Sunshine Coast) with my parents in I think a blue car. The road is very clear in my head and if there was any chance of it being the same, I would recognise it instantly. There is very little sky visible due to the fact that the road was completely enshrouded by trees. Massive eucalypts towering over a tiny 4 year old in the back of a car. I love this picture and when I hear this song I will close my eyes and go back there. I have many more experiences such as this from my entire life, as I am sure most people do.
Music is a very important part of our household and always has been. Grey plays woodwind instruments although hasn't had one until I convinced her to buy a clarinet last year. Her favourite instrument is the baritone sax and for about two years I have been looking into payment plans and the like. She will have one! I found a reasonably decent plan about August this year, it's just a matter of the money to pay off said plan hehe. I play piano, keyboard and guitar first and foremost. I also dabble in ukulele, banjo-mandolin, auto-harp, violin and various others. I want to get a balalaika and a decent bass guitar but that's another day.
Both of the girls are musically inclined too.
Akayna has an amazing sense of rhythm and can dance till the cows come home and depart the following morn. I tell her that she dances like Mummy and she seems pretty happy with that. She certainly is getting some moves down, even some that I am sure have to be of her own devising. She loves to play daddy's piano and I think that one day I'll get her a keyboard of her very own. She is the proud owner of several brightly coloured recorders. I don't know if she'll play an instrument of any kind when she is older but she will definately have some interest in something stemming from music and I think that will be dance. She loves to sing too and I think she knows the words to Blink-182's 'All The Small Things' just as good, if not better than I do. She's also a big fan of Tenacious D's 'Tribute', The Offsprings 'Hit That' and Bjorks 'It's Oh So Quiet'. As a baby I would play an extended version of Pachalbel's Canon to her to help get her off to sleep. It worked a treat and I suspect that it wtill would to this day. She loves it and says she remembers me playing it for her.

Bella has incredible timing and tone and often sings quitely to herself or for a wider audience. I gave her an half size guitar for her 3rd birthday and, while she would prefer to play one of mine, she loves to sit with it and strum the strings and move her left hand up and down the fret-board. She also has an harmonica and a recorder or two. She also loves dance but leans more towards the interpretive side than Akayna hehe. Definately possesing a rock star attitude, she could totally blitz the airwaves one day. Bella loves Enigma, Elton John and Rick Wakeman. She is also into Deep Purple and a healthy amount of Pink Floyd. Bjork's 'It's Oh So Quiet', the Barenaked Ladies 'If I Had A Million Dollars', Robbie Williams' 'The Road To Mandalay' and 'Beyond The Sea' rank very highly among her favourites. I often hear her singing 'Crocoldile Rock' and 'If I Had A Million Dollars' without any accompianment as well as doing the refrain from 'The Road To Mandalay'..... too cute. Oh, and one song that they both love to sing with me is 'On Top Of Spaghetti'. They do it so well too.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Okay. This is how it is and this is how it's going to be. I am no longer able to sit back and do nothing about this. I can't hide my feelings any longer . If I just happen to let slip something like 'I love you' etc etc, then so be it. I know that she didn't want us to be completely over and that it was my actions that led to that. We've both said and done stupid things that we wish we could take back. I am not prepared to throw away what we had and treat it like some fucking stupid teenage bullshit. I am going to fight for her with the most powerful weapon at my disposal...... Love! Of course, I have to do whatever it takes not to jeapordise anything even more. I am so incredibly in love with the most wonderful woman in the world and although she may not believe that herself, she really is. Like the rest of the world, she has her faults but any of those are far, far outweighed by the fact that she is well, her. This is how I feel, always have and always will. She is an incredible person and each minute I got to spend with her over the past 3 and a half years I am thankful for, the good, the not-so-good, the bad, the cranky, the love, the passion, the arguments, the laughter, the dreams, the visions, the hopes....... I'm thankful for it all and (apart from a few recent months) would not change any of it. Love is the most important thing of all and whatever doesn't kill us will only make us stronger.
I've been past feeling sorry for myself for a while now. This is where my persistent, patient and determined nature takes over. We will win in the end. Notice I say we? I know that what we had was a wonderful thing and, I know that even the previous year has been good regardless of the problems we were having. If we let that destroy us then we are truly pathetic and probably should resign ourselves to being sad and lonely people for the rest of our lives. We were the best thing to ever happen to each other. If she needs more time then, no worries, that can be done. Due to events that led to us getting together, she may need to scratch those itchy feet of hers. That's all well and good, I can do the same.
I do understand why she needed the break, everything is so clear now.... like crystal (or sands in the hourglass hehe). Well, as she said, 'these things happen', I guess. Well, many things happen in this world. So, using the premise that 'these things happen', things can also 'unhappen'. For when things 'unhappen', conversely, things are also happening. This is starting to sound like one of my old blog entries now :) .
I am not going to be the insensitive bastard I was for a month or so there, that isn't me. Nor will I tell her how I feel as much as I use to. Would you like to be told that you're loved 10-50 times a day? ........ exactly! It's not necessary, especially when there's no reciprocation, neither of us need that but, as I said, I have to consciously stop myself sometimes. It was much easier not to say those things when I was being a jerk. She told me that she wants the old me back well, so do I, and....... here I am :) . I wasn't really that far away in the first place. I feel like I have been hiding from myself for a bit now. Not wanting to come out and say that I was miserable within myself. Not miserable, that's too strong a word but I had much stress from looking for work and then losing the motivation I did have all took it's toll on me. Then there is my health which is much more under control at the moment. I have more energy than I have had in about six months or so, I have rediscovered by beliefs and I am completely content as far as myself is concerned. All is going well and, as I have said ad nauseum, I have my convictions and hope, enough said. Lunch is over and I am going back to work now.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Just a note.....

Well, it's been two months since Grey broke up with me. "So?", I hear you all ask. Yeah, point taken, but I thought I'd at least tell you.

Love, blindness and other unrelated topics

It is said that love is blind. Well, aside from the fact that there is nothing wrong with blindness, I disagree with this old adage. Well, we all know that I am in love, that's a given. Now, being in love with someone who is not in love with me can be seen as misguided and pathetic. There may be an element of truth in that but really, it's of no relevance. I am in love because I am not blinded. Love has never had such clarity, certainty and conviction and I am certainly not clutching to a foolish pipe-dream. I am also not about to justify my feelings because really, it's not needed.
Ok, this does need to be said: I love Grey and I wish I could tell her that untold times a day like I used to. It hurts like hell that I can't and there have been times when I have almost let it slip. My hope that we will be together again is now my strongest conviction. I know that no one has ever made her feel so loved, so accepted, so comforatable and so secure. I could only give her these things because she is so loved and accepted. I always loved everything about her.... still do. I always accepted everything about her. Naturally, some things frustrated or irritated me, as they did her. We're only silly little human things and, nice thought the thought is, none of us are perfect. All this crap about someone loving someone completely, without question, doesn't happen. Only where one half of a relationship is too stupid to notice that they are being completely used will we find that occuring. It would be nice but unconditional love doesn't exist in it's purest form. The love I have for Grey is close to unconditional and I would say that I love her completely. I would never expect it from another person and so, I cannot give it. Only the girls can have unconditional love. There are always conditions between adults even if they are not spoken or even assumed. If Grey took a kitchen knife and plunged it into my left ventricle, I may not love her quite as much as I do now, that sort of thing. It's all relative and damn it, I tried to get her to see that even though I get irritated about some things it doesn't change the way I feel about her. That's the closest I think any of us can get to uncinditional love.... acceptance. At the end of the day, I understand. Some things I accepted without complete understanding, some things I understood without complete acceptance. That's what I did and it's what I still do. For the most part, I did my best, and so did she. There are things about me that irritate everyone, I get that and if I was one of those people that changed myself to suit others, it might be a little easier for all concerned but..... fuck that, I don't go for that and anyone who has ever expected it has been sorely let down hehe. Grey never wanted me to change anything for her at all. We both talked to each other about being the best people we could be, not for each other, but for ourselves. I really miss those conversations actually, although there were times when we took things badly we both knew that the intentions of the other were completely altruistic. We'd talk about our beliefs for hours and hours on end. Essentially, we believe very similar things and we both believe that love is the most important thing one can possess and recieve. I still believe this and I am sure that she does too. In my less calm moments I sometimes think that if she doesn't want my love, that's not my probem, it's hers. She's never had someone love her like I did, and still do. Whatever reasons were behind her decisions, I still feel the same and......
Ok, this is a little uncharacteristic but I need to put it down. I am hurt by the whole situation of course but one thing stands out: 'These things just happen sometimes'. Bad days happen. Paper cuts happen. The end of the world as we know it might 'just happen', but for our ending to be described as something that 'just happened' makes me wonder if our beginning didn't 'just happen' and that what we had was just something that 'happened', like a bloody nose or a sprained ankle. Well, I for one know better. Call me strange but I'd feel better if it was something that I did or didn't do. You know, something tangible rather than just a blase happenstance. The times I've fallen out of love when it's 'just happened' are because the love was there but not so strong in the first place. I thought we were different, I know my feelings were, I was sure hers were. I don't know if she has ever felt the same level and intensity with anyone else but I sure haven't.
Ok, this is just my insecurities coming out now so I'll stop.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Please explain?

Well, it's been a strange run for me lately and although I have an unnatural level of self-confidence I don't understand why the opposite sex is interested in me at all. It is unexplainable. I don't consider myself anything special and the recent events have just gone to make that point clearer although, I feel better about myself than I have in possibly, well, as long as I can remember.
There are two I can think of that have 'wanted' me for years. One (who is now married) came out and admitted that fact. The other never will but according to everyone still carries some sort of flame for me. She once told me that if we weren't married at 30 then we should just marry each other. I seem to remember smiling and staying very, very quiet.
I have never really had any trouble finding romantic interludes and encounters. There have been times of course, in fact, I recall being in love with someone who had no idea and never would have if it were not for the fact that she surprisingly broke up with her boyfriend. That's only ever happened once to that degree and we did get together and were for about two and a half years. We have a wonderful little girl and after some understandable bitterness and hurt, are becoming to finally consider each other friends again.
When I met her I had been working away for four months or so. I came and went working away for just over a year, travelling around the countryside as a salesman. If there are any budding sociologists out there, find yourself a job that involves a lot of travel to small country towns and large cities and then you will have a fully paid thesis well on the way to completing one's doctorate. I was once sitting in a pub in a small town called Nanango, drinking happily and pumpong about $20 into the jukebox. I got to talking to an elderly couple and by the end of the evening, they had invited me to join them on a trip around Australia in their new campervan. Another time, whilst crossing an overpass over the trainline at Maitland (I think) I found a scruffy man eating pizza on the bottom step. It was just after midnight and I was feeling a little seedy so an invitation to join him for a slice or two was too tempting to refuse. We got to talking about the world and all it's trappings. After a while he told me that he was once a hired gun, a hit-man, who worked mainly around Sydney and Melbourne and that he had dumped about 12 bodies over the border in Queensland. This fascinated me and we talked until about 4am. I just happened to have a half bottle of Cointreau in my coat pocket :) (those were the days) and so we polished that off and then said our farewells. I would love to do that all again someday, just travel around and talk to people. It provides more insight into ourselves than any book or TV show and even if people lie the arses off, it's still interesting.
During this year that I was away I drank more than I ever had before or since and I can't see myself ever drinking that much again. The first night I arrived at my first port of call (Townsville) I met my crew and we started drinking. We drank five four-litre casks of wine between the six of us. Cask wine is a peculiarity of the world of alcohol. It takes a drink that has a somewhat sophisticated air about it and reduces it to something that you would hesitate mentioning in polite society. I should find out more about cask wine. It appears to me that either it is made from the grapes that John West would definatley reject (if he had a vested interest in wine-making) or it is made from grapes that are just grown to be crap anyway. Perhaps even, it is not made from grapes at all, but I do not want to go there. Anyway, the rest of the year was spent avoiding cask wine and instead drinking Cointreau, Glennfiddich, Dimple, Glen Livet, Lang's, Kahlua, Stolichniya Vodka, Bailey's, Sheridan's, Moet et Chandon and several others. I was never much of a drinker really so I guess I put most of my efforts into one year.
Wherever I went, I always got attention from ze vimen (written phonteically of course), because I like to woo ze vooman. Hee hee hee. Strange things was that there wasn't much need for me to do anything very wooing. It would just happen. I recall several times that I was literally pulled into a house, motel room, caravan or respective room thereof. There are some intersesting stories to tell and I have only ever revealed a few of them. I have no regrets but I'm not terribly proud of that year. They were my days as a slut (I think that should be a unisexual term as 'stud' had different connotations).
There was one time, Byron Bay, new year's eve 1997, when I stepped in front of a guy who was bugging his girlfriend (although I have never been sure of that) and told him to back off and leave her alone. He refused and I ended up punching him (during this time was also the last time that I have ever got myself into physical fights). He reeled back and fell over, after which she asked me matter-of-factly, "so, do you wanna fuck?". Well, what could I say, the beaches in Byron are beautiful at night ;) . Further south in Camden Haven (or perhaps Laurieton) I met a girl who insisted that I "throw her around like a doll". Afterwards, she left the room, came back and introduced her sister and promptly left again. Suffice to say, her sister was a much gentler type. The closest thing to a relationship during that time began when, after demonstrating my product, she demonstrated hers... so to speak. She had a wonderful six year old daughter that thought the world of me. I was only an short breath away from quitting my job and moving to the Sunshine Coast but, decided to keep working and move at a more opportune time. While I was away, she found someone else. Que sera, sera. Hey, these things happen, no hard feelings.
There was a mother-daughter team once which was, well, a little odd, especially when they mostly complained about each other. One time, this stunning 22 year old brunette called her friend two streets over to say that I may knock on her door later that evening. That was a most surprising evening indeed. Only once was the door answered by someone completely naked, almost as if she knew I were coming, hehe. Strange little world we live in.
Anyway, there are many other sordid (these are quite tame) tales from those days. Some will remain hidden until I am ready to tell them. Really, I see no point though. A couple I have mentioned above I am sure have never been spoken of before. I am quite a secretive and private person when it comes to such things.
What I am getting at is, what did they see in me anyway? Surely they couldn't all have been desperate and me just in the right place at the right time (or the opposite on some occasions). Who knows? One thing that amuses me no end is that I have been told by several people that I have only gotten better looking with age. Comparing old and recent photos can only confirm this. Looking back on the past two months since Grey told me we were through there have been some strange occurences. Strange only because I do not understand.
Within a fortnight I was approached by a girl at work on behalf of a friend who had seen me at the store the previous Saturday. I was also the focus of a group of at least three people as a possible candidate for a co-worker.
Since working at a different store I have been chased around by a drooling, hormone-drunk 18 year old who, of her own volition, found a place for us behind a nearby service station. Now, there is a 30 year old, hot, South African woman being not-so-subtle in what she tells me. She overheard me talking about what I had done with my girls on the weekend and how important they are to me (not a surprising topic for me, in fact, quite a common one). To this she said "and THAT is why I should be with you!". My only response was "well, why the hell aren't you then?" Cheeky bugger that I am. All she said then was "Lunch? Monday? We'll talk". How can I resist an approack like that. I have always loved assertiveness, it's a good quality. Lunch went well that day and so have the others since, that's all I'm saying about that for now.
Anyway, today (the reason for this entry tonight) I was working in an aisle and noticed a rep in a yellow top working a few metres down from me. Just before lunch, my boss asked me if I could meet her in another section half an hour later. "Oooh, a secret rendezvous with a pretty rep..... no problem at all mate". He smiled and said that she had seen me working earlier and requested that I be the one to assist her. Anyway, I spent the whole afternoon with her helping to arrange her products and set up floor displays. At one point, while I was up a ladder passing stock down to her she looked up at me and said, "you know something?". "What's that?" I replied. She just looked at me with these god damned incredible eyes and said bluntly, "I'd do you right here and now if it weren't for the fact that I'm married". I passed the box to her and asked, "so, what's stopping you? The fact that you're married or that we are standing in the middle of the leisure section?". We carried on as if nothing were ever said but she seemed content, probably for the fact that she now knew if she asked at a more opportune moment, I would not say no. What is it with me and forward women? Hehe. Not that all of them have been. I wouldn't say Grey was terribly forward but, moreso than I, I suppose. Actually, the thing about forward women is that it sometimes takes me being hit by a brick or heavy, blunt object to notice that I'm being noticed. I never really have understood the reasons so, I guess I don't really see the signs sometimes. I should also mention that the store I am currently working at seems to create some form of hormone imbalance. Once stepping inside the store it's almost as if everyone degrades into some lustful teenager. Nothing wrong with that I guess but it doesn't help work procede at the scheduled pace.
Anyway, I'm not particuarly interested in anything but being me. I really like being me, and I really like my life. I always have. The good, the bad, it's all chalked up to experience really and sometimes it makes for a good song or story so, how can I complain. On one of my sites there was a line that I had to finish, telling a little about myself. The one I'll mention here is 'If I could be anywhere right now it is...' and my response was 'right where I am, funnily enough. Actually, I am always where I am most happiest, otherewise there's no point being anywhere'. Whatever happens will happen all in good time. I am an extremely patient person most of the time :) . There will be a time for Grey and I again, of that I am sure. We meant (mean) to much to each other for there not to be. I know that things have happened that need much healing, again, it's all about time, I'm not going anywhere, not just yet anyway.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's all in a smile

Well, it's been a little while but, I have been making entries, just saving them as drafts. They will be uploaded shortly. Anyway, in the mean time...... aren't they soooo cute :)

There is nothing more important than these two little girls of mine. Nothing that can brighten my day more than their smiles and laughter. They are my world.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Transcending mortality

There's an excavator with a jackhammer attachment demolishing a concrete wall 20 feet to my left and 10 feet above my head as I sit and write. I'm getting covered in white dust and I am wondering why I am sitting here, taking my break, smoking a cigarette under such conditions. Well, it's really not that irritating and the sound is quite mesmerising.

Anyway, it's giving me cause for comtemplation. You know, on the whole, life really is quite funny. It's a strange concept. One day you're alive, the next, you're dead. How does that work? I had a funny thing happen earlier in the week actually. I was sitting behind an industrial bin at work having a cigarette and listening to whatever it was I was listening to when, all of a sudden, a large wooden display stand, about 2 metres wide by 2 or 3 metres high, fell off a fork lift, flipped over the bin and landed about two feet to by left. If I had been under that, I may not be typing this little message, or at least, wouldn't be able to for some time. Maybe I could've dictated though. Anyway, I looked at this box thing and laughed out loud for, really, I found it to be quite amusing. There's been several times I've come close to being killed or seriously maimed at work. Each time, I've found myself wondering what would happen if I actually did die. It's quite strange actually, people have been having dreams about my death lately. Some, I have only known a couple of weeks. It's quite bizarre. Does it mean that I am about to shuffle off this mortal coil. Well, you know, it does happen... people do die eventually. We all gotta go sometime. Death phases me about as much as mild back pain, it's just a part of life. Lately, I have had many thoughts of death, some about bringing it about myself.... yeah.... stupid!!! What a waste. Mostly, there has been a strange feeling that there is not too much time left. I don't know why I am having this feeling but, it's there and I can't seem to put it aside. Anyway, I'm living most days to the fullest, some to the least and the occasional one as if it is my last. If I did die tomorrow, I would die reasonably happy. I have done a lot with my life and have only a few regrets. I never really had any of those but there have been a few things told to me lately and then there are things that I have done lately that are presently regretful.

I have always said that I want my funeral to be a happy occasion. If many turn up at all, I want there to be much joy and laughter (at my expense is quite ok too). I want Monty Python songs, sparklers, those streamer things, bubbles, cake, ice cream, fairy floss and a jumping castle for the kids. There is nothing worse than a sombre affair, especially for someone such as myself who just loves life, why would I not also love it's antithesis. A good friend had a dream that she organised my funeral and made sure that everybody was happy. One of my girls dreamt that I was hurt and keeps telling me to be careful, especially when I go to work. A guy at work had a dream that I fell off a ladder and under a fork-lift (hehe, that just about happened a week ago..... the fork lift had just passed by before I fell, and I didn't fall that far). There's been a couple others but only one actually showed how I died. I keep dreaming that I am involved in a car accident or drowning incident. Dreams are fun aren't they? I wish I could remember them better than I do. Well, technically, I guess that dreaming about my own death could be considered a nightmare. I don't know, I thought nightmares are generally meant to be scary. For other people dreaming about my death I suppose it could be either a dream or a nightmare depending on their opinions of me, hehe.

Well, in the case that something does happen to me, I want all my friends and loved ones to know that they are my friends and loved ones. They know who they are and I hope they know how much they all mean to me without having to find out posthumously. Everything I own goes to my girls, except Nirvana's "Hoarmoaning" CD EP, as that was promised (in all seriousness) years ago :) .

And, just in case... if I even hear one bar of that god-forsaken "Funeral March" (pretty as it is) I will haunt whoever is responsible. God, I'm hard enough to deal with in life, how would I be afterwards. Oh, and if there's a way to hook up a stereo in my casket, let it be so.

And, scrap the whole "earth to earth, dust to dust, ashes to ashes" thing too. Let's rewrite that for the 21st century please! I'm not going to, but someone should.

"Death is only the end of something that should have been done so much better".- Me

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


There are a few things that I think we all need in life:-

1. Friends. Without them, I'd feel pretty pathetic. I try to keep in touch with them as often as I can and am sorry that I haven't been so on the ball lately. There are so many people I need to catch up with. Some 3-D and some 2-D, so to speak, hehe. I have 3-D friends in Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, England, Canada, USA, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Romania and Norway that I haven't spoken to, let alone seen for between 2 and 6 years. I am going to make an attempt to find them. For a few, I might put their names on here just on the off chance they surf by one day. Who knows, worth a try. Every now and again over the past few years I have tried to find them, now, I am pulling out all the stops, not that there really were any but, you know...........
There is also a lot of people I've only ever known online that I would like to be in touch with again. They should hopefully be a little easier to find.

2. Love. Damn have I got that. I've got two little girls that think Daddy is the Sun (to varying degrees of course, they need their discipline and sometimes I'm relagated to a celestial body slightly less close than the Sun :) ). They are my life. If anything bad happens, Daddy is there, they know that. I gave them each a Dream Dragon to remind them that Daddy loves them even though he may be at work or, just not around all the time. There is nothing like the love of a child. The smiles, giggles and "I love you's" are the best I'll ever get. I was always looking forward to being a parent and now I am and I have the best girls in the world. I won't be having any more children for my own reasons but lets just say that with these two, why would I?

3. Music. I was listening to Elton John the other day (I love trying to sing "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road") and I came across "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" and thought that one line was particularly apt for me. "I'm sleeping with myself tonight/ Sick and tired/ Thank god my music's still alive". Well, duh! Nothing could kill my music, or my love of music. It's the most important thing outside my girls and my friends. Without my music, I would not be the person I am in some ways. Music affects me on many different levels. There's so much music out there, and I want to hear it all, even if I don't like it. Actually, there's a song that's been in my head for 3 months now and I see the video clip on TV every few weeks or so. It's a disturbing little tune called "High Voltage" and I can't remember who it's by but at first I didn't like it but now, love it. Funny how that happens. Anyway, the song's really only disturbing because of the clip.

4. There is no number 4.

5. See number 4, but replace relevant text with '5'

6. Sense of humour. If I lost this, then I think no one would even talk to me. It drives me half the time and drives people to distraction most of the time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. if we can't laugh, and make others laugh then, well, shouldn't we just give up and sit quietly in a corner bu ourselves reading Nietzche and wondering why he too, had no friends.

7. Books. After CD's and music related things, books make up the largest part of my materialistic exploits. Books are great. Some are great to read, some are great just to look at and some are great to have on hand in case one day, I may need to know something about something and instead of surfing the net or going to a library, I just need to know what box to look in. Books rule. They are also good for pressing flowers, but that's only something I read somewhere and would not know first hand.

Calm, serenity, it's all good :)

Well my friends, I am not going to make much of an entry here because, well, there is no need.
Let me just say that perspective has been found and I feel completely calm, there is nothing else I feel at the moment, just calm. It's like a slow stroll along a beach at night with the one you love. It's like waking up to someone that is there only because you make each other so very happy. It's like misty mountains and babbling brooks. It's like the end of a tiresome journey, one that you hope never to repeat, at least not until after you have relaxed and drank cocktails by a pool for a while. That's all I have to say. Calm is the most soothing feeling in the world. I have always bee a calm person, I lost my way for a bit, but hey, here I am, perfectly calm and wanting to say, hello world, hello friends, I've missed you all, thank you for being there for me when I wasn't there for myself. I love you all dearly, may we have many great adventures as we travel through life together, as friends. Because really, isn't that what it's all about. I mean, I have no fear of being alone at all, in fact, I've been there many times and relished it. But, at the end of the day it's nice to be able to call a friend and just say, "hi, how was your day". Thank you.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Hmmm, I'm still here

What does this picture make you think of? I took it on the 5th of September last year near our old house. It's an incredible image isn't it? Not the best sunset photo you'll ever see but there's something about that just screams serenity, if that's possible hehe. It reminds of things in this world that are of utmost importance. The first, and most important is, love. Everyone has love from somewhere. I have it from two little girls, parents and some fantastic friends that I don't see often enough. Grey has it from me (unrequited though it may be hehe), two little girls, and some good friends around the world. Our girls have love from us and pretty much anyone they come into contact with. Love is not taken for granted at their age. They want it, they need it and they will return it tenfold. Us adults tend to take love for granted don't we? It's really stupid because love is not something that is given on a whim, generally speaking. It is something that is felt with our entire being. Yet, we seem to be able to give and take it without thought. What's with that? You may think I'm talking about someone in particular, but I'm just rambling on here, thinking in random, sweeping generalisations.

This picture also makes me think that, while life may be short, we have every right to do what we want with it. Harm ye none, I think sums up the attitude we should have towards each other. There's too much pain in this world and while there are people who suffer much worse than anyone I know, it's hard to get the perspective on how much pain one can go through. I've felt pain, physical, emotional etc... so what? It shouldn't really matter to anyone. It's mine to deal with and as it's not affecting anyone, why should they let it bother them. Well, I think that is because most people actually care. I've always cared about people and most of my friends are also that way inclined. Caring about others on this world no matter where they are from, where they are, or where they are going. I used to care so much that it started affecting me in negative ways. I am back at that stage except that I have learnt to not let things affect me. If I am affected by things too much then I am useless to the people I care for and want to help. It's taken me a while to get here, but here I am. I remember dealing with a man with severe psychological issues. He was petrified of the psych ward at a local hospital, and churches. One day a friend of his had a mild heart attack and was taken to that hospital, I sat up with Dan in his caravan until 4 in the morning reassuring him that it would be alright to go and visit our friend. I spoke with many of his personalities that night, then, one came out that said he would go if I did. The next morning, being a Sunday, I asked him if he would like to go to a church (now, I know there is no reason why one has to go to a church, but there are so many reasons why one should not be afraid of them, and he was petrified, literally shaking as I asked him). He declined that plan and we went to the hospital. It took us one hour to walk 50 feet from the roadside to the front door, reassuring him all the way. As we entered, he turned about and started to head out. We had a cigarette and then re-entered. Through the lobby and to the lift, not a sign of the men in coats he was so scared would put him back inside. Up the elevator and into the ward to visit his friend and still, all clear. We stayed there for about an hour and a half and then left. He was totally calm as we left the building and so was I, I felt that I had done a good thing. The next Sunday, I took him to a church. There was the same hestitation that had occured at the hospital and then, afterwards as everyone was getting into tea, coffee and biscuits, relative calm. I had approached a few members of the church before hand and they went and introduced themselves to him and offered him biscuits which he ate voraciously.
Another thing he had a problem with was an altar that he had made. He claimed that he was being pursued by demons and angels and that they were a constant presence. This is due to some "dark magic" he said he had been involved in. The altar, I figured, was the source of his distress and so, over a couple harrowing nights, we decided that the best thing to do was to face it and then, destroy it. This we did, and i tell you now that to this day I have never seen such pain, anguish and sheer terror on a persons face. But, he prevailed and, together we overturned the altar and then after reassuring that it would cause him no more pain, we laughed at the wretched thing for a while before burning it and burying the ashes. This was an amazing time for me, and for him too i think. I had only known him a week as he was living at a caravan park that I was staying at while away working. A few days after the altar burning, I went to his caravan after work and it was empty. I asked the manager where he had gone and she had told me that he had moved back with his uncle (the target of many curses he had told me, and not deserving of any of them). I felt that this was a good sign at least. About 3 months later I recieved a letter from Dan saying that he had moved back to his uncle's house after begging forgiveness. He now had a job working as a greengorcers assistant and was putting his life back together. I don't know how much I had to do with that, if anything, but it feels good to maybe have helped someone that really needed it. I hope he hasn't ended up back in a psych ward since, that I may never know as we just sort of, lost touch, as people so often do.
So, I guess the thing I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter who it is that you can care about at any given time, as long as there is reason for you to be there, things will have a way ofjust working out. So, as we go through life, we just care for ourselves, and each other. That's what it's all about :)